Language Selection

PTV America July 30, 2020 PTV Support

This guide outlines the process for selecting a language within PTV VistroPTV Visum, and PTV Vissim.


Vistro Language Selection

1. Launch the application.

2. Select “Edit” (2nd menu item from the left).

3. Select “Global Settings” (3rd option down the list) to open the Global Settings window.

4. Change the first dropdown next to “Language”.

5. Select “OK” in the lower right corner of the window.

Visum Language Selection

1. Launch the application.

2. Select “Help” (12th menu item from the left).

3. Select “License” (10th option down the list) to open the License window.

4. Change the dropdown items in the upper left corner under “Language”.

5. Select “OK” in the lower right corner of the window.

Vissim Language Selection

1. Launch the application.

2. Select “Edit” (2nd menu item from the left).

3. Select “User Preferences” (5th option down the list) to open the User Preferences window.

4. Change the dropdown items under “Language” (located within the “GUI -> General” section).

5. Select “OK” in the lower right corner of the window.