Session 1 - What's New #1
What is new in PTV Software for 2023 & 2024
What's New in PTV Vissim and PTV Viswalk
Peter Sukennik, (PTV America)
What's New in PTV Visum
Chetan Joshi, (PTV America)
What's New in PTV Model2Go
Adam Groves, (PTV America)
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Session 2 - What's New #2
What is new in PTV Software for 2023 & 2024
What's New in PTV Vistro & PTV Publisher
Adam Lynch, (PTV America)
Introducing PTV Lines & PTV Flows
Campbell Smith, (PTV America)
Session 3 - Guidelines & Methods
FSUTMS Next Generation: Priorities and Directions
Thomas Hill, (FDOT)
Transportation System Simulation Manual (TSSM) Update
Dr. Mohammed Hadi, (Florida International University)
Session 4 - Research, Requirements & Applications
Multimodal Physical and Virtual Traffic Reality Simulation System
Aleksandar Stevanovic and Ismet Goksad Erdagi, (University of Pittsburgh)
Santa Clara VTA’s Countywide Multimodal Traffic Operations Model Development
Eugene Maeda and Kia Sharifi, (Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA))
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation I-81 Carlisle Improvements
Jeff Moore, Lindsey Ulizio, Stacy Wang, (WRA/PennDOT)
Session 5 - Intersection Analysis
Calibrating saturation flow rate in Vissim
David Stanek, (Fehr & Peers)
Pedestrian Behavior and Interaction with Autonomous Vehicles
Saki Rezwana, Ph.D.; Nicholas Lownes, P.E., (University of Connecticut)
Improving Signal Optimization with Centracs - Vistro Integration
Bill Cisco, (PTV Group)
Session 6 - Rail, Roundabouts & Interchanges
Surface Running Light Rail Modeling and At-Grade Rail Crossing Safety Improvement
Mengqing Wang, Akshaey Sabhanayagam, Anthony Lo, (WSP)
Revitalizing Mobility: Overcoming Limitations of Deterministic Roundabout Models in Bellevue's Spring District using VISSIM
Josh Johnson, Bill Love, (WSDOT)
Complex Interchanges Assessments using Vissim - Navigating Through Effective Public Communication of Results
Andrew Velasquez, Emam B Emam, Carol Scott, (AECOM/Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise)
Session 7 - Simulation Calibration
Traffic Analysis Toolbox Volume III 2019 Update – Minnesota Case Study
Collin Schroeder, Phil Kulis, (SRF Consulting Group, Inc.)
Model Calibration using VISSIM’s Attribute Modifications
Matthew Best, Jaswant Ganesan, Megan Hoklas (HDR)
Microsimulation Modeling with 2019 FHWA Guideline Update
Mengqing Wang, Matt Sucher, Mingyang Li, (WSP)
Session 8 - Planning Ports
Future Ready Airport Master Planning
Luc Senh, Katherine Craig, Sherry Kim, Feng Lu, Victor Teglasi, (WSP)
Ferry Terminal Loading and Ticket Booth Processing using COM – A case study in VISSIM
Zelan Jia, Charlie Wence, (Jacobs)
Seattle Tacoma International Airport VISSIM Modeling
Alex Chambers, Gustavo Ceballos, Nic Longo, (Ricondo & Associates, Inc., and Port of Seattle)
Session 9 - Macroscopic Modeling
Conversion of Turnpike Statewide Model (TSM) into the PTV Platform
Alejandro Casa-Valencia, Venkat Sarvepalli, Cesar Segovia, Jack Klodzinski, (AECOM/Florida's Turnpike Enterprise)
New Improvements of DVRPC’s Travel Demand Model
Ben Loeb, Will Tsay, and Fang Yuan, (DVRPC)
Grand Cayman's Multi-Resolution Modeling Tookbox
Scott Thompson-Graves, Jeff Moore, Lindsey Ulizio, Stacy Wang, (WRA/ Grand Cayman National Roads Authority)
A Hybrid Approach to Improve Convergence of Simulation-Based Activity-Based Models
Binny Paul, (PTV Group)
Session 10 - Freeways & More
Cutting the Infinite System of Threads
Sydni Scott, (HDR)
A comparison of deterministic and simulation methods for multi-period freeway capacity analysis
David Stanek, (Fehrs & Peers)
Dynamic Traffic Assignment – Lesson Learned (What You Need to Know)"
Sai Sirandas (San Francisco, CA), Jeff Pierson (Seattle, WA), Stephen Spana (Orlando, FL), and Fred Choa (Tampa, FL), (Fehrs & Peers)
Macroscopic and microscopic analyses of managed lanes on freeway facilities in South Florida
Soheil Sajjadi PhD, PE . Alexandra Kondyli PhD, PE, ( Arcadis)